
本周五凯业地产培训 欢迎大家📝
7/12 Friday
Zoom Class
Topic: Training on REO & Foreclosure 
Trainer: FuQiang Zhang, Esq

当房产贷款人/业主无法偿还房贷时,银行通过参与出售或进一步收回产权等方式来追回贷款。根据问题程度不同,目标房产的最终状态通常包括亏本出售(Short Sale)、公开拍卖(Foreclosure through Public Auction)、银行持有(Real Estate Owned by the Lender, 简称 REO)这三种类型。
- What is REO? 
- Difference amount REO, foreclosure, and short sale?
- Why does it sell by other entity no by refree?
- Who owns foreclosure property?
- Deposit & Mortgage
- Title & Violation & C of O
